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Final Test for Teresa Eanes.

The test is made up of 50 multiple choice questions. The Course DMV requires you to answer at least 40 questions correctly. The test will be automatically scored after you answer all 50 questions. Take your time and thank you for choosing

1) If not wearing a seatbelt and thrown from your vehicle, you are _____ times more likely to die.

A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
D: 5
E: 10

2) If you have to have your windshield wipers on, it's a good idea to also use your

A: sunglasses
B: horn
C: parking brake
D: headlights
E: flashers

3) A yellow curb marking represents

A: a no parking zone
B: a loading and unloading zone
C: a passenger drop-off area
D: a handicap zone
E: a fire lane

4) When driving in rain, you should

A: slow down by 5 to 10 mph
B: use your headlights
C: have a full reservoir of windshield wiper fluid
D: all of the above
E: none of the above

5) When entering a freeway, the best speed to be going is

A: slower than the other cars
B: the same speed as the other cars
C: faster than the other cars
D: 5-10 mph faster than the cars behind you
E: 10-15 mph faster than the cars behind you

6) "Covering the brakes" means

A: keeping your foot on the pedal
B: keeping the rubber boot on the brake pedal
C: keeping your foot poised over the pedal
D: keeping one foot on the gas, and the other on the brake
E: repairing brake pads

7) What type of line would mark the center of a two-way road?

A: solid white
B: solid yellow
C: broken white
D: double white
E: diagonal

8) On slippery surfaces, watch the car in front of you and try to follow in its

A: direction
B: tracks
C: blind spot
D: wake
E: rear view mirror

9) What should you do first to slow down your car if your brakes go out?

A: downshift
B: steer to the right side of the road
C: turn off the engine
D: engage the parking brake
E: shift to neutral

10) If you are taking _____, you need to be especially cautious about driving.

A: laxatives
B: the long way
C: antihistamines
D: aspirin
E: diet supplements

11) Alcohol is a

A: depressant
B: stimulant
C: harmless clear liquid
D: narcotic
E: brain booster

12) Driving across a grass median is legal if

A: there is a traffic jam
B: there is a multi-car pile up
C: it is never legal to drive across a grass median
D: there are no other ways to turn around
E: you have a specific reason for doing so

13) Before getting into your vehicle, you should

A: disable the alarm
B: unlock the doors
C: look in the trunk
D: walk around it
E: keep all windows clean and clear

14) Where are you most likely to encounter fog?

A: in a low lying area
B: on a hill
C: in a tunnel
D: after sunset
E: on an open roadway

15) Driving defensively requires you to

A: plan ahead
B: plan to be late
C: drive with both hands on the wheel
D: see clearly
E: drive assertively

16) Taking 2 or 3 seconds to look away to text, talk, or search on your cell phone while driving 55mph allows your vehicle to travel how far without your attention?

A: 55 feet
B: 110 feet
C: 300 feet, the length of a football field
D: 10 car lengths
E: 15 car lengths

17) The speed limit in a residential neighborhood is no more than

A: 10 mph
B: 15 mph
C: 25 mph
D: 35 mph
E: 50 mph

18) _____ is a critical factor in avoiding a collision.

A: Reaction time
B: Braking distance
C: Wearing safety belts
D: Tire tread
E: Engine size

19) A safe thing to do while driving on long, straight stretches of highway on a sunny day is

A: close your eyes a little bit
B: drive on the shoulder
C: turn on your headlights
D: turn on your fog lights
E: flash your headlamps

20) If you start to hydroplane, which of the following should you do?

A: put a heavy load on the rear end of your vehicle
B: take your foot off the gas
C: brake harder than normal
D: drive faster than normal
E: turn into the skid

21) According to the Course, what are the two most dangerous habits of young drivers?

A: cell phone usage and eating in the car
B: speeding and tailgating
C: excessively loud music and speeding
D: hyper-awareness and tailgating
E: drinking and other passengers

22) What factor has the greatest impact on driving skills?

A: hearing loss
B: muscle weakness
C: joint pain
D: vision loss
E: impatience

23) Who has the right-of-way at an uncontrolled intersection?

A: the driver who got there first
B: bicyclists
C: the driver to the left
D: you
E: buses

24) _____ is a leading cause of intersection deaths.

A: Following too closely
B: Turning left onto a one-way street
C: Running a red light
D: Traffic light malfunctions
E: not using turn signals

25) If you see a long line of cars approaching from the other direction

A: ignore it, its very normal
B: move to the right edge of your lane
C: flash your bright lights
D: stop and allow them to pass
E: honk and wave

26) Keep a _____ second gap between you and the car ahead of you.

A: 1
B: 3
C: 5
D: 10
E: none of the above

27) How much of a cushion should you keep between you and the car in front of you under normal driving conditions?

A: 1 second
B: 3 seconds
C: 5 seconds
D: 7 seconds
E: 1 second per car length

28) On a one-way street, you may turn left at a red light if

A: you are turning onto another one-way street
B: nobody is coming from the other direction
C: you may never turn left on a red light
D: there are no other vehicles present in the intersection
E: the light was yellow before you came to a stop

29) If you're traveling at 70 mph, your car is moving at _____ per second.

A: 70 feet - 7 car lengths
B: 140 feet - the width of a freeway
C: 35 feet - the length of a semi truck
D: 105 feet - a third of the distance of a football field
E: 100 yds - the distance of a football field

30) A _____ line means that you may cross into the oncoming lane in order to pass.

A: broken yellow
B: broken white
C: solid white
D: solid yellow
E: parallel

31) You should stay _____ behind an emergency vehicle in action.

A: 4 car lengths
B: 100 feet
C: 300 feet
D: 500 feet
E: 700 feet

32) Depending on your weight and other factors, you could be impaired

A: after 1 or 2 drinks
B: on New Year's Eve
C: at an early age
D: before noon
E: the older you become

33) If your vehicle is skidding sideways,

A: shift to a higher gear
B: accelerate out of the skid
C: steer into the turn
D: move the gear shift to the reverse position
E: move the gear shift to the neutral position

34) _____ is the critical factor in the distance it takes to stop your vehicle.

A: Reaction time
B: Tire tread
C: Brake fluid level
D: Vehicle control
E: Tire pressure

35) The only thing that will sober up a drunk person is

A: caffeine
B: time
C: a cold shower
D: water
E: immobility

36) What kind of road conditions should you be aware of when driving near motorcycles?

A: debris and/or gravel on the road
B: grooved surfaces
C: wet pavement
D: all of the above
E: a and b only

37) Carpool lanes and bus lanes on freeways are marked with double, parallel solid lines, with _____ in the middle.

A: arrows
B: circles
C: diamonds
D: rectangles
E: octagons

38) If you were traveling 60 mph and not wearing a seatbelt and collided with a fixed object, how fast would you be traveling when you hit the windshield?

A: 30 mph
B: 45 mph
C: 60 mph
D: 100 mph
E: 90 mph

39) Pavement is most slippery

A: after a heavy downpour
B: at the start of a rain shower
C: during a drought
D: in the winter
E: on overpasses

40) You may make a right turn on a red signal after you

A: look right, then left
B: slow down to 3 mph
C: slow down long enough to see that the intersection is clear
D: come to a complete stop
E: honk at pedestrians

41) When necessary to follow behind a motorcycle,

A: keep a 4-second gap between you and the motorcycle
B: use your high beam headlights to warn the motorcycle of your presence
C: keep 2 car lengths between you and the motorcycle
D: allow another vehicle to get between you and the motorcycle
E: flash your headlamps to signal when you want to pass

42) Brake lights on freeways invite

A: law enforcement
B: panic
C: sudden lane changing
D: both B and C
E: positive driving habits

43) No matter what you drive, you are no _____ for the power of a big truck.

A: aim
B: problem
C: match
D: favor
E: scare

44) A horn blast should be used when

A: a horseback rider is near your lane
B: going around blind or narrow turns
C: another driver makes a mistake
D: you need to get the attention of a slow driver
E: pedestrians are slow to clear the crosswalk

45) Texting or talking on a cell phone while driving is like driving with a blood alcohol level of

A: .01
B: .03
C: .04
D: .06
E: .08

46) The State has a Basic Speed Law which says

A: you must drive at a safe speed, regardless of the posted speed limit
B: you must never exceed the speed limit by 10 mph
C: you must stay within 5 mph of the posted speed limit
D: you must not drive 5 mph under the posted speed limit
E: you must use the fast lane if you exceed the speed limit

47) According to the Course, what type of changes affect older people’s driving?

A: physical and cognitive
B: physical and financial
C: cognitive and emotional
D: financial and emotional
E: cognitive and financial

48) Keep in mind when driving behind a big rig, these trucks weigh _____ and therefore cannot stop quickly.

A: too much
B: 30 - 40 tons
C: 1500 pounds
D: 1 - 2 tons
E: less than you think

49) Driving is a

A: privilege
B: right
C: requirement for people 16 years and older
D: ability
E: danger-free activity

50) High beam lights should enable you to see

A: 100 feet
B: 200 feet
C: 350 feet
D: 450 feet
E: 500 feet