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Session 5 - Progress

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This Session contains the following topics:



Intersections are the most dangerous areas for driving.  More deaths occur at intersections than on freeways.  Wherever traffic from two different highways comes together, at an angle that may cause conflict, the stage is set for disaster.  You need to be especially alert and pay particular attention to road markings and control signals.


If you approach an uncontrolled intersection, one in which there are no stop or yield signs or signals, slow down enough to be able to stop for crossing traffic.  You must yield to traffic already in the intersection, or to the car that arrived first, or to the car on the right if both of you arrived at the same time.  If you are at a "T" intersection, the traffic on the through street has the right-of-way.

You will find these types of uncontrolled intersections mostly in rural areas, and in little-traveled back roads.  Do not be lulled into thinking that you're the only one in the vicinity.  Some other day-tripper may be cruising along in the other direction, enjoying the scenery but forgetting the rules.  Don't assume you're the only one on the road.

The blue car has the right-of-way when both cars arrive at a stop sign at the same time or when there is an uncontrolled intersection.


Controlled intersections are easier in a way, in that everyone has a place and time governed by lane markings and signals or signs.  These rules are meant to keep order in what could be chaos, where drivers come together and make competing decisions about changing their directions of travel.  Regardless of the change you are going to make, you must be able to 1) exercise good judgment; 2) make accurate estimates of the time it will take you to make a maneuver; and 3) estimate the speed and distance of other vehicles. These skills come with experience.  If you are a new driver, you are probably better off avoiding high traffic intersections until you have more experience.

Intersection dangers. Passenger-side impacts are the number one cause of deaths in intersections.
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