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Story 3 - Progress

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"I do apologize, officer. If I weren't running so late, I –"

"Sir, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't argue with me. May I see your license and registration, please? I'll get your citation written and let you be on your way."

"Citation! Officer, can't you just let it go this once?" Mike was red-faced and so frustrated he barely realized what he was doing.

The police officer kept a studious composure as he replied, "Sir, it seems that you've said that same thing to the last two officers to cite you for speeding," he said calmly. "Perhaps a larger fine and a driver safety course will keep it from happening again. I suggest you slow down and start thinking about other people, because if you don't, someone's going to get hurt." The officer pointed toward Mike's wedding ring and nodded his head slightly. "Think about your family, sir, and about other people's families."

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