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Session 9 - Progress

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Here is a list of other common physical changes people go through as they age, and the related problems these changes might cause for drivers.

Blurred vision affects depth perception and speed/motion estimates, making left turns difficult

Sensitivity to light, decreased
ability to discern contrasts

Difficulty overcoming headlight glare; problems reading signs and seeing lane markers at night
Decline in dynamic visual ability
Not seeing details of moving objects means difficulty in reading street signs, making lane changes, and following lane markers when turning
Decreased range of motion in neck
Inability to turn to look while backing up, or when changing lanes
Arthritis, bursitis
Less upper body strength means less control over steering and handling the vehicle in hazardous conditions
Circulation problems, foot
Diminished feeling in legs and feet affects reaction times and braking distance
Hearing loss
Inability to hear sirens, honking horns and skidding tires, all of which are warning sounds that need to be heeded
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