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Session 8 - Progress

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Motorcyclists follow the same rules of the road as other drivers. They are responsible for obeying the law just as the driver of a minivan is. While all motor vehicles are legally equal, there are some extra precautions you should take when driving near a motorcycle. Be particularly aware of your blind spots. When entering a roadway, or when changing lanes, turn your head and check to make sure that there isn't a motorcycle coming up behind you.

Allow extra room between yourself and a motorcycle in front of you. You need more time and distance to react to an emergency, because you are trying to avoid hitting a body, not another vehicle. Be aware of any road condition that might cause problems for a motorcyclist.

This is what happens when you follow too close to a motorcycle. The rider lost control in some gravel, and the driver pinned him under her car dragging him until the car came to a stop. She used her car jack to lift the weight off of him along with the help of several bystanders. The rider suffered a broken jaw.

Gravel, debris, high winds, wet pavement, and grooved surfaces affect motorcycles much more than they affect cars. If you keep in mind how vulnerable motorcycles are to hazards, you can anticipate and prevent crashes.
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