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Session 5 - Progress

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You are sharing the road with bicycles, bus lanes, and parking lanes.  Pay close attention to your right side mirror and blind spot.  The road you’re on may or may not have a marked bike lane.  You need to be alert to bicyclists at all times.  


Keep your front wheels straight while waiting to turn (A).  You can't count on the driver behind you to stop in time, and if he just barely taps your bumper and your wheels are already turned left (B), you are going to be staring into the grill of an oncoming vehicle. The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card.  Don't try to squeak a peak around the SUV that's sitting opposite you, either.  Just a clip to your fender can send you careening from light post to light post.  Your life is worth the wait for the next signal.  

(A) Proper Turning. Wheels Are Straight.
(B) Improper Turning. Wheels Are Turned.

Whenever you are making a turn, you must use a signal.  If your signal lamps malfunction while you're driving, you need to use arm and hand signals.  
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