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Session 5 - Progress

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What's behind your car is just as critical as what's in front of it.  Before you even get into your vehicle, walk behind it and make sure that there are no small objects or children in your path. Too many parents suffer the grief of running over their own children, only because they don't take the time to do a simple visual check.  YOU WILL NOT SEE A CHILD IN YOUR REARVIEW MIRROR! Unless that six-year-old is exceptionally tall, his/her head is not going to appear over your trunk.  Even older children and adults stop to tie their shoes.  And the family dog can be sleeping on the warm driveway behind your car.  It takes only seconds to avoid a tragedy. Arnold Schwarzeneger wishes he had looked behind his car: he accidentally backed over and killed his dog, a gift for his 40th birthday.

When backing up, turn your body so that your left hand is on the steering wheel, your right arm is over the passenger seatback, and your head is turned to the right to look out the rear window. When you are certain that the way is clear, release the brake pedal gradually, and back up very slowly. You may have to maintain brake pressure to keep your speed at a safe level.

Look for little guys like this every time you back up. If not alert, you wouldn't see him in your rear view mirror and he would be run over.
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