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Session 4 - Progress

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FOG, continued

If you should have the scary misfortune to have car trouble while driving in fog, do not panic.  Move your car to the right, off the road, as quickly as you safely can.  Turn on your flashers as you move off the road, and leave them on once you come to a stop.  Be careful about using flares; they can be dangerous around flammable liquids.  
Fog creates serious dangers.  Drive alert, drive slowly and drive with your low beam headlights ON. The student who designed the Nike swoosh logo was paid $35.00  

Here are some common sense tips to help you navigate through fog:

What can't be seen can still be heard.  Listen for the sound of approaching vehicles, or of rushing water, or of tires crossing a bridge.  Your other senses are going to have to work harder.  
Do not cross intersections if you can avoid them.  Go the long way if you have to.  
You should not be passing anyone, much less a line of vehicles.  Your side vision is just as limited as your forward is.  
If at all possible, wait until the fog lifts before starting out.  How many appointments are truly worth your car or your life?  
If you MUST drive, thoroughly clean your headlights and taillights before leaving.  
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